Though many of our customers buy our standard, off-the-shelf RasterMaster tools or FlexSnap universal viewing solutions, a surprising number have special requests. A great motivation for these requests is to embed capabilities within their product that their competitors can’t offer.
Requests come in for configurable viewers that can be easily modified to the needs of a particular client (for example - data entry versus administrator) without requiring the purchase and maintenance of two different applications. Other queries come in for special enhancements that allow our viewers to duplicate an existing viewer in look and feel. This allows an easy replacement of legacy products without requiring re-training the “troops.” Other features, like our FlexSnap virtual document support, came about because a customer wanted to dramatically increase the speed of their insurance claim form processing.
Some of our recent PDF vector display and annotation improvements came about because a customer wanted to reduce the time it took to review blueprints when using their current the paper method. By duplicating the look and feel of their approval and review stamps but enabled online, they could get rid of paper and pencil and all the issues inherent in handling physical media. Dramatic improvements in throughput resulted.
For customers who have even more extreme demands of operating systems or hardware platforms, we have created down-sized or ported versions of our RasterMaster libraries that satisfy their specific market or customers. Sometimes download size is an issue or perhaps it’s a particular platform – for example an AMD 64 bit processor – that helps that customer compete. Our products are designed to be portable and maintainable while maintaining their performance benefits, even when customized.
We win when you win! Give us a call.