Many of you are probably already aware that Microsoft's JVM will soon be obsolete. In fact, it even has an expiration date, December 31 2007. Happy New Year...out with the old and in with the better. This is not to say that Java applications such as Snowbound's FlexSnap family of viewers and imaging technology will just cease to function. It does however mean that the MSJVM will no longer be supported. Users should not only be aware of this but take the proper steps to stay informed about this obsolete software and move away from the MSJVM before December 31, 2007. This includes identifying both internal and licensed applications that depend on the MSJVM. Businesses that plan their transition ahead of time will be at an advantage and have adequate time to identify their MSJVM dependencies and applications, and then establish a migration plan to test and deploy other solutions.
From the Microsoft Website: "The MSJVM is obsolete code that is no longer enhanced or developed. Microsoft recommends that consumers who are using MSJVM-dependent programs consult their software vendors' Web sites for any information on action they might need to take in the future. For instance, users might be advised to update or replace their current versions before December 31, 2007."
Sun Microsystems, providers of the popular Sun JVM, have an existing agreement with Microsoft enabling them to use Sun's source code and compatibility test suites, thus allowing Microsoft to extend support for the MSJVM until the end of this year. Does this mean that Sun's JVM is the logical replacement for the MSJVM? It seems to be the most popular, and from what most users will say, the most reliable and compatible. But if you want to play it safe you are best off contacting your Java solutions provider and seeing what they recommend. It never hurts to be in touch with your partners and vendors during a transition like this.
- Ed
Sun should centralise the JVM development.
Currently, there is JVM hell when the user's PC have more than one version of JVMs from different vendors. Removing the JVMs and keep thelatest version will break the softwares that depend on that version of JVM.
Posted by: James | June 24, 2007 at 02:18 AM